A Prayer

Today has been declared a day of prayer by our President.

Last night a friend of ours called to tell us that he had been laid off from his job at a Casino. This is a friend who has been trying his whole life to raise himself out of poverty.

“Lord Jesus, please provide for all those who’s jobs are being affected by this pandemic. Please help them Lord. Send provision. Send neighbors and friends to help. Let our government come up with ways to help this very vulnerable section of our society.”

I saw a Meme someone had posted asking people to remember the kids who don’t have a safe environment at home and now have no neutral place to retreat to at their schools.

“Lord, we ask for protection for these kids whose families struggle to function in a healthy way. We ask for mercy for these children, we ask for provision for them. We ask that neighbors and friends and community would step up and find creative ways to reach out and help them. We also ask for all the kids who will be missing school and getting behind in their school work. We ask for special grace for them to be able to learn quickly when they return to school.”

As so many of us are contemplating being stuck in our homes, all of the health professionals are looking at overtime work with little rest.

“Lord we ask for protection for those medical workers who are working with those infected by the virus. We ask for provision that they will have all the medical supplies they need to keep themselves safe and to be able to provide for their patients. We ask that they will not get infected themselves. We ask for special wisdom for the administrators of the hospitals and clinics. We ask for strength for the firefighters and ambulance workers and policemen who’s jobs will be getting harder, not easier with all these changes. We ask for special protection over them that they won’t catch the virus while they are trying to help those who are affected.”

“Lord we ask for special help for our elderly population. We ask for provision for them, that they would be able to access every thing that they need. We ask for protection over them. We ask that the friends and family and neighbors in their lives would step up and reach out to help.”

“Lord we also ask for help for the medically fragile population in our country. People who’s bodies can’t handle getting yet another sickness. Please Lord, protect them. Please help their medical care to not get interrupted by all that is happening. Please let the people in their lives be especially careful about exposing them to this virus.”

“Lord we ask that the people who are in charge of protecting our communities would have special wisdom as they make difficult decisions.”

“And Lord, I ask that in all of this people would turn to you, be drawn to you. I ask that our country would go through a time of repentance and turning to you. That you would take this time of turbulence and bring good out of it.”

We ask all of this in Jesus’ Name.



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